Week 2 - Team Lakelands

Our 8 contestants have finished their second week with an awesome outdoor cardio session on a glorious morning after their official weigh in!

The contestants are getting fitter with each session and it great to see them working out and coming to the free plus performance classes outside of the scheduled training sessions.

A total 16.7kgs has been lost overall this week and an awesome grand total 35.9kgs overall with some amazing individual losses.

There were smiles all round in the sunshine with jogging, lunging, push ups, squats and the outdoor session was finished off with a sprint.

That was not the end of the fun, wall sits, rowing and an indoor circuit followed.

It was great to see Squinty again today and we look forward to him joining us again next week.

That’s this week’s rap up for Team Lakelands, can’t wait to see next week’s progress!

Fuel Watch
  • 169.5: X Convenience Erskine
  • 169.9: BP Halls Head
  • 171.9: 7-Eleven Golden Bay
  • 171.9: Shell Reddy Express Halls Head
  • 171.9: Shell Reddy Express Lakelands