The Coast FM Winter Appeal

Many people in the Peel region don’t have a safe place to call home, and in the winter, these people are more vulnerable than ever and “sparing a thought” is sometimes not enough.

As part of Homelessness Awareness Week we are asking for donations of new sleeping bags, foam mats, near new doonas, new thick winter coats, ladies & mens new undergarments, torches, childrens & adults footwear and non-perishable food items.

Giving… is not about making a donation… It is about making a difference.

Donations for Mandurah Homelessness Awareness Week must be in by 5pm Monday, August 7, to 141-143 Mandurah Terrace, bewteen 8:30am and 5pm weekdays.

Homelessness Awareness Day takes place on the Eastern Foreshore in Mandurah on Thursday August 10.

Help us make a difference this Homelessness Awareness Day.

Mandurah Homelessness Awareness Day Proudly supported by West Aus Crisis Care and 97.3 Coast FM.

Fuel Watch
  • 169.5: X Convenience Erskine
  • 169.9: Ampol Foodary Erskine
  • 169.9: NightOwl BP Mandurah
  • 173.9: BP Halls Head
  • 175.9: Ampol Foodary Greenfields