World-class mountain bike trails coming to Dwellingup

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Canning MP Andrew Hastie at the Act-Belong-Commit Dwellingup 100 Mountain Bike challenge. PIC: Supplied

World-class mountain bike adventure trails are coming to Dwellingup.

Member for Canning Andrew Hastie announced this week that the Shire of Murray was successful in its application for $3,465,000 from the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF).

The Dwellingup Adventure Trails project will deliver 80 ongoing jobs to the town of Dwellingup and is expected to attract an additional 75,000 visitors to the Peel Region annually.

Specific outputs of the project include:

·    The construction of 20km of mountain bike trails in Murray Valley

·    Realignment and improvement of 6km of the Munda-Biddi Trail 

·    Construction of an additional 12km of trails linking into and out of Dwellingup

·    A new bridge across Murray River at Baden Powell reserve to join north and south mountain bike circuit

·    Increased parking at key trail sites around the trails network

·    Upgrades to sections of the Captain Fawcett 4WD trail

·    Sealing the 28km arterial road inside Lane Poole Reserve

“The Peel Region is a beautiful place to live, work and play,” Mr Hastie said.

“That’s why I’ve fought for funding from Canberra that will develop local job opportunities in the tourism industry.

“This project will transform Dwellingup and surrounding areas into a world class trails destination.  We expect Dwellingup to attract trail riders from around Australia and the world. The flow on benefits to the Peel region will be immense, contributing to our entire local economy."

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