Western foreshore play space design revealed

PIC: Supplied by City of Mandurah

The design for Mandurah Waterfront’s brand new play space has been announced, with the concept boasting both family favourites and newly imagined play equipment.

The design was inspired by the local Sheoak tree and features a 12-metre high play tower with ramp access to three metres and will take centre stage of the world-class play area.

Mayor Rhys Williams said the Western Foreshore play space will be a hub for families and friends to meet, play and rest.

“Designed for people of all ages and abilities, the new play space will be full of fun and activity year-round. It will be a place for people to gather, celebrate and explore in the beauty of Mandurah’s Western Foreshore,” Mayor Williams said.

“Our priority has been to deliver a concept that reaches community expectations. During our extensive community consultation, we heard loud and clear that high on the agenda was a play space that was fun, imaginative, sparked curiosity and, above all, was safe.

“As such, the play space includes a fully-enclosed area, will be unique, inclusive and its design is inspired by Mandurah’s heritage, character and world-renowned natural environment. It will connect the land and water by featuring elements from Mandurah’s iconic waterways including
boating and estuary themed sculptural play.”

The exciting new play space will feature expansive canopy cover, incorporate natural materials including salvaged timbers from the Old Mandurah Bridge, and include all aspects of play including physical, sensory, social and imaginary.

Within the wider Western Foreshore Recreation Area, there will also be barbecues, large picnic tables, drinking fountains, a seating deck and a pop-up kiosk. New toilet facilities are already complete.

“The Play Space is part of our Mandurah Waterfront Project, which will transform Mandurah and bring tourism, growth, development and more economic diversity to our beautiful city,” added Mayor Williams.

The Mandurah Waterfront Project is being delivered as a joint initiative between City of Mandurah, State and Federal Government. $10million has been committed by the State Government as part of its Plan for Peel and $7million from the Federal Government. The City of Mandurah has
contributed $5million.

When discussing this latest milestone, Member for Mandurah, David Templeman MLA was pleased to see such great outcomes.

“It is fantastic to see the final design for the Western Foreshore play space and I am pleased that this is going to include so many great amenities for local families," he said.

I am proud that I have been able to support the redevelopment as local member and delivered $10million from the McGowan
Government, reflecting our commitment to investing locally in Mandurah.”

Member for Canning, Andrew Hastie MP, added his pride in being involved to make Mandurah an even more beautiful place.

“Mandurah is a beautiful place to call home and so I was very pleased when the Morrison Government came on board in 2019 to make it even better with funding for the Mandurah Waterfront redevelopment,” He said.

“The new playground will be a draw card for the tourists who spend in our businesses, and a benefit for the local community as well. I know my kids are excited!”

Play space construction is expected to start in the coming months, with completion expected late 2021.

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