'Wardrobe of Memories' highlights heartbreak of road deaths


A wardrobe full of clothes representing the lives lost on WA roads last year has been installed in the heart of Perth to mark the start of National Road Safety Week and shine a spotlight on road trauma.

RAC’s Wardrobe of Memories contains 155 items of clothing, with outfits including baby clothes, school uniforms and wedding dresses, each representing a person who was tragically killed on a WA road in 2020. 

RAC General Manager External Relations Will Golsby said the activation aims to highlight the true cost of road trauma on our community and the life-long impact on those left behind.

“Every year, we see far too many lives tragically cut short and families left devastated by crashes on our roads,” Mr Golsby said.

“Each item in our Wardrobe of Memories represents someone who didn’t make it home to their loved ones, leaving behind hopes, dreams and aspirations they’ll never fulfill.

“The Wardrobe of Memories sheds light on just one of the more difficult parts of losing someone so suddenly — sorting through their belongings.

“We need to look past the statistics and remember the true cost of people dying on our roads – it’s first steps never taken, one less child in a classroom, a life-long marriage or friendship forever lost.

“We’re urging everyone to remember your loved ones the next time you think about speeding, touching your phone or driving under the influence – don’t make them clear out your wardrobe.”

This week marks the start of National Road Safety Week (May 16 – 23), an annual initiative to highlight the impact of road trauma on our community and remember those killed on our roads.

“Western Australia has one of the worst road safety records in the country, with someone killed or seriously injured on our roads every five hours,” Mr Golsby said.

“Road trauma is entirely preventable but only if we all play a part in making our roads safe. 

“The call to all Western Australians this week is to have a conversation about road safety with those they care about and make a pledge to drive so others survive.”

The Wardrobe of Memories is open for public viewing and will be at Yagan Square in the city until Thursday May 20 and at Lakeside Joondalup Shopping Centre from Friday May 21 until Thursday May 27.


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