The City of Mandurah has put together a plan for a light rail system in the CBD.
The Council has drawn up its own light rail plans as part of a public transport strategy to ease congestion and connect passengers to the city centre.
A report to be presented to next weeks council meeting is proposing the light rail system for the Mandurah CBD.
CEO Mark Newman said they've been talking about it for some time and now they have drawn up plans for a light rail network of traditional trams, most recently rolled out on the Gold Coast.
"The report looks at linking a light rail service from Mandurah train station to the CBD, to Halls Head at Doddies Beach, to Halls Head at the shopping centre, out to the hospital and out to the education precinct.
"Some will say it's dreaming, because it's not funded easily but a network like that would be pretty fantastic for Mandurah and probably would give the impetus , particularly for our CBD to kick start."
"There's something about having a fixed system that gives confidence to the community to develop."