Safety Bay man fined over undersized crabs haul

The undersized crabs. PIC: DPIRD

A Safety Bay man has been fined after he was caught with 35 undersized blue swimmer crabs.

The man was crabbing in the Peel Harvey Estuary back in February this year when he came ashore with the haul.

Fisheries officers inspected his bucket and found the 35 undersized crabs ranging in size from 79.2mm to 118.9mm, with an average size of 96.9mm.

The legal minimum size is 127mm.

The 33-year-old claimed he was aware of the crab size limit, but had not measured the crabs ahead of coming ashore.

Measuring and inspecting each crab before you catch the next one is a legal requirement. 

The man was ordered to pay $1000 as a general penalty, a $1750 mandatory penalty and $1000 in legal costs in the Mandurah Magistrates Court this week.

DPIRD advice is to measure each crab accurately along the widest part of the shell, from tip to tip of the carapace spikes, using a crab gauge available from tackle shops.

Director Regional Compliance Metro Todd A’Vard said it was important that crab fishers took a gauge with them as part of their fishing kit.

“By carrying a measuring gauge, it means each crab can be measured as soon as its caught and any undersize crabs can be returned immediately to the water,” Mr A’Vard said.

“It’s also important to note there’s an autumn closure on blue swimmer crab fishing at present from the Swan River to Binningup Beach, which runs until the end of November.”

If you have seen something involving fish or fishing which doesn’t look quite right, the FishWatch on 1800 815 507 provides a quick and easy way to report it. 

Alternatively, you can report what you’ve seen via the online form on Crime Stoppers.

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