Prescribed burns prompt smoke alert for Mandurah and surrounds

The smoke is due to several prescribed burns across the region.

A smoke alert remains in place from Mandurah to Yanchep including the Perth Hills.

The smoke is due to prescribed burns across the region.

The Parks and Wildlife Service say current weather conditions are perfect to safely undertake prescribed burns which are expected to continue over the coming days.


•    If the smoke is particularly thick, it is recommended people shut doors and windows and turn off air-conditioners.
•    Smoke may reduce visibility on some roads and motorists should take care, turn on headlights and travel at appropriate speeds when travelling in these areas.
•    People with asthma and pre-existing respiratory or cardiovascular illnesses should follow their pre-prepared treatment plan.
•    People with conditions exacerbated by smoke should take precautions in line with their medical advice for these circumstances.

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