Premier announces third dose vaccination blitz as WA records 17 new local cases

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The State Government is launching a two-week vaccination blitz this month in a bid increase WA's third dose rate.

An extra 40,000 appointments will be available at State-run clinics from Monday, February 7.

"Western Australians have done so well with vaccinations - we now have one of the highest first dose vaccination rates in the country," Premier Mark McGowan said.

"More than 91.9 per cent of Western Australians 12 and older are now double dose vaccinated, while 37.6 per cent of eligible Western Australians have received a third dose.

"This is an incredible result but we need to get our third dose vaccination rate higher - particularly with the highly transmissible Omicron variant in our community."

Vaccination appointments for children, people with disability and other eligible cohorts will continue throughout the two-week blitz.

About 1.2 million Western Australians are currently eligible for a third dose vaccination, which can now be received three months after the second dose.

People are encouraged to make a booking via Vaccinate WA.

Vaccinations are also available at GPs and pharmacies.

On Wednesday, WA recorded 17 new local cases of COVID-19, 15 of those are linked to known clusters.

The remaining two are under investigation and one of the cases was infectious in the community.





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