Port Kennedy couple fined over neglect of dogs serious allergies


A Port Kennedy couple have been fined after neglecting their dog that was suffering from severe allergies.

The 40-year-old man and his 39-year old wife appeared in the Rockingham Magistrates Court on Friday and pleaded guilty to leaving their dog to suffer chronic allergy related conditions untreated. 

The couple were fined a total of $5000 and have been banned from owning animals for five years, with the exception of three cats they currently own. 

RSPCA WA inspectors first attended the couples home in March 2022 after receiving a cruelty report. 

They observed their four-year-old American Staffy Ella who was in a yard containing a large amount of faeces. 

Ella had multiple signs of severe allergies including several patches of missing fur, raised lumps, and thickened, cracked, flaking skin. 

The male accused said Ella had suffered from allergies her whole life but had never been taken to a vet to treat them because ‘vet bills can be expensive’.

A vet examination noted she was suffering from a flea infestation, had severe and chronic generalised skin disease, conjunctivitis, alopecia and other allergy related issues. 

Ella was rehabilitated by RSPCA WA and has since been adopted


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