Forecasted damaging winds this evening have prompted event organisers to move the event indoors.
Event organisers of the Port Bouvard Carols community event wish to advise that the event has changed venue due to damaging winds forecast in the area.
The even was originally organised to take place along Batavia Avenue Reserve in Wannanup but will now be located at Waratah Christian Community Church.
748 Old Coast Road, Wannanup.
The program will remain the same with the pre-show entertainment commencing at 5 o'clock and the main carols kicking off around 7 o'clock.
A deep slow-moving low pressure system is expected to pass over the southwest from late Sunday night through to early Monday afternoon.
An associated cold front will affect coastal parts of the South West district during Sunday afternoon and extend over the South West Land Division during Monday.
You can find more information about the carols event on Facebook.