2020 Perth Royal Show cancelled


The State Government has announced the cancellation of the 2020 Perth Royal Show.

Premier Mark McGowan made the announcement on Tuesday morning, confirming phase five restrictions will be pushed back to October 24. 

This comes after the State received updated advice from the Chief Health Officer that the show would pose too much risk for patrons.

"Given the situation over east and our latest health advice, proceeding to Phase 5 too soon is just not appropriate," Premier McGowan said.

"I know this will cause frustration and problems for some sections of the community, but we are trying to find the right balance here, between protecting our community and keeping our economy as open as possible.

"The decision on the Royal Show will come as a disappointment for many people, but right now we just cannot afford to take an unnecessary risk."

The State Government will work with the Royal Agricultural Society about other regional shows, pending advice from the Chief Health Officer.



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