Perth, Mandurah fuel prices hit record breaking prices

PIC: File

Perth and Mandurah fuel prices have skyrocketed to an average $1.95 cents per litre.

It's a record high, an increase of 25 cents on Tuesday's average unleaded price.

The most expensive fuel ever recorded in Perth is at BP service stations today, at $2.07 cents per litre.

RAC Manager Vehicles and Fuels Alex Forrest said the cost of fuel is putting immense pressure on household budgets.

“Each fortnight, we’re seeing petrol prices reach new heights and a staggering number of motorists are saying they simply can’t afford for this to continue,” Mr Forrest said.

“Petrol prices remaining at or around the $2 mark will, on average, amount to an extra $670 this year — this is a huge blow to household budgets and will only make it more difficult for people to get around our city. 

“A recent poll of our members revealed most would have to change their driving behaviour to save money, with nearly 40 per cent saying they’d drive less and another 50 per cent shopping around more for the best price.”

The cheapest petrol in the Peel region can be found at Liberty Pinjarra at 166.5cpl, while Atlas Fuel in Kwinana is selling unleaded for 166.7cpl.

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