New laws will be introduced into State Parliament this week to allow tenants to secure furniture to walls without the permission of their landlord.
The changes follow the recommendation of the WA Coroner's report, delivered in November 2017, into the death of 21-month-old Reef Kite.
He was tragically killed in his family's rental home by a falling chest of drawers in 2015.
Evidence at the inquest revealed the drawers had not been secured because the landlord did not give permission.
Acting Commerce and Industrial Relations Minister Francis Logan said the new laws will help save children's lives.
"Toppling furniture is a key child safety issue. Since 2001, 22 Australian children, under the age of nine, have died from toppling furniture. Anchoring furniture can save a child's life," Mr Logan said.
"Some of these changes are long overdue so I'm pleased the McGowan Government will be able to introduce them to Parliament this week.
"The Bill amends outdated penalties in a range of Acts and ensures they remain in line with community expectations and continue to provide an effective deterrent."
A landlord will only be allowed to refuse the tenant's request to affix furniture in very limited circumstances - if there is asbestos in the house or it is heritage listed.