New laws for drug-affected drivers

PIC: File

Drivers affected by drugs will be hit with an instant 24-hour roadside ban as a part of the reforms introduced into State Parliament on Thursday.

The reforms also include new offences for drivers affected by a combination of both drugs and alcohol. 

The introduction of the new offences recognises the increased level of driving impairment and risk posed on the public by those who drink, drug and drive.

For example, someone caught driving under the influence of alcohol and meth could face a maximum fine of up to $5,600 and will have their licence disqualified for at least 15 months.

An offender who repeats would then have their licence permanently disqualified and could face 18 months in jail.

Currently, Western Australia is one of only two states in Australia where drivers are allowed to continue driving after testing positive to a roadside drug test.

These new changes will also see fines increased for standalone drink driving and drug driving offences. 

Police and Road Safety Minister Michelle Roberts said the reforms are overdue. 

"The dangers of driving under the influence of both alcohol and drugs have been known for some time, but the previous Government took no action on this front," Minister Roberts said. 

"As with all their policies to do with tackling meth, they sat on their hands and hoped it would go away.

"Driving under the influence of drugs is reckless and plainly irresponsible.

"These are tough penalties, but they are designed to make our roads safer."

Alcohol and drug related fatalities account for around one-fifth of all deaths on WA roads.

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