Road Safety Minister Michelle Roberts is reminding us to keep alert on the road this Christmas
We're being urged to take care on the roads this holiday season, as we prepare for the time of year when our road toll count jumps in numbers.
More than 140 people were killed on South-West roads between 2012 and 2016 with 18 people who've died on the same roads already this year.
Road Safety Minister Michelle Roberts said south-west drivers need to show care and consideration for each other on the roads during the festive season.
"Let us show some courtesy, consideration and care on the roads this holiday season," Minister Roberts joined Collie-Preston MLA Mick Murray to launch the Industry Road Safety Alliance South West's Road Ribbon for Road Safety Campaign.
The Industry Road Safety Alliance South West brings together industry, government, police and community groups in a collaborative effort aimed at reducing road trauma in the region.
The campaign kicks off with free road safety calendars for people around the south west, a local initiative developed with Road Trauma Trust Account funding.
The calendar showcases artwork and photography from residents across the region and is intended to keep road safety front and centre in the minds of road users every day of the year.