New family birthing centre under construction at Fiona Stanley Hospital

Artist impression of the new family birth centre under construction at Fiona Stanley Hospital

Construction of the new family birthing centre at Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH) is well underway with the state-of-the-art facility due to be open in September.

The centre will feature three birthing suites, two of which will have inbuilt birthing pools and the other a portable pool.

There will also be specially designed birthing cubes, day beds and family lounge facilities.

Extensive research into what promotes an active birth by the FSH midwifery team and advisory group has led to a space where colour, shapes and physical surroundings all come together to promote good birth outcomes.

The new family birthing centre will provide women in the south metropolitan catchment access to midwifery-led care, through their antenatal, labor birth and postnatal periods, currently not available south of the river.

The centre is designed to provide care to women with low-risk pregnancies to have a more home-like, holistic birthing experience.

Being co-located within FSH, which has a birth suite and a neonatal intensive care unit, will enable swifter access to a higher level of care should complications during pregnancy or birth develop. 

"This is a testimony to the success of the existing Family Birth Centre at King Edward Memorial Hospital which has done a fantastic job for the past 27 years," Health Minister Roger Cook said.

"Having a sister birth centre at Fiona Stanley means that women living in our southern suburbs will soon be able to access this model of care much closer to where they live."

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