Mayor: Mandurah residents congratulated for their ongoing support to neighbours

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Read the statement from Mayor of Mandurah.

Mayor Rhys Williams has praised Mandurah residents for their ongoing support to their neighbours and fellow community during the COVID-19 crisis.

“Over the past few weeks, our community has done an incredible job of supporting each other and offering help to others, and I‟m so proud of the way Mandurah has really shown its village heart at this time of need,” the Mayor said.

“It‟s really important that we continue to support each other to make sure we‟re all staying connected, we‟re keeping safe and have what we need to get through this.

“While it‟s absolutely vital, social distancing and isolation measures can potentially lead to our more vulnerable communities becoming unnecessarily disconnected and not receiving the support they need.

“The City is putting in place a number of things, including welfare checks and coordinated support services to make sure those particularly vulnerable people in our community are getting the help they need.

“I‟d love to see the fantastic efforts of Mandurah residents helping one another continue by safely checking in on your neighbours to make sure everyone stays connected.

“To help everyone do their bit, this week we are distributing two printed cards to assist neighbourly connections and to provide easy access to the right information and important helplines during the pandemic.”

The Mayor thanked the local media partners Mandurah Coastal Times, Mandurah Mail, Coast FM radio as well as Australia Post, Mandurah Police Station, Woolworths and the local residents groups and Rangers team for helping to get the important cards out to the community.

“I‟d encourage everyone to use these cards, and keep them somewhere safe for reference,” he said.

“We may be physically distanced, but our amazing community spirit has shone through in the ways we are reaching out and supporting those who need it.”

The cards will be distributed via the Mandurah Coastal Times (April 1 issue) and information will be in the Mandurah Mail, online at both newspapers and Coast FM radio, as well as Woolworths stores and Big W Mandurah Forum. They can also be downloaded at

For the latest information on COVID-19, City of Mandurah residents can go to, the Healthy WA website ( and Facebook page, or

The following websites are very useful, including the actions community members can take to prevent the spread of infection: and 

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