Marine search for missing kayaker continues at Cape Peron

PIC: File.

After locating the kayak yesterday afternoon, a kayak paddle was also found. About 9:30pm last night the personal locating beacon was found.

59-year-old man Stephen Angel, who is from the Dwellingup area, has been identified as the registered owner of the Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) that was activated. Despite extensive inquiries with Mr Angel’s family and friends he has not been located and he is believed to be the missing person.

PIC: Missing person Stephen Angel (supplied).

The search for Mr Angel has included the following search resources:

-    Volunteer marine rescue crews from Rockingham, Cockburn and Fremantle.
-    Water Police (including divers)
-    Local police
-    Police Air Wing (helicopter)
-    RAC Rescue helicopter
-    AMSA Challenger Rescue Jet

The air search continued overnight with the use of heat sensing FLIR camera equipment.

PIC: File.

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