The City of Mandurah’s approach to water conservation and efficiency has once again achieved the organisation re-endorsement as a Gold level Waterwise Council.
The Mandurah council has again been recognised for its continued work to keep water usage to a minimum as part of the Waterwise Council Program.
The program is a joint partnership between the Water Corporation and the Department of Water, supporting councils to improve water efficiency in their operations and their communities.
Chief Executive Officer Mark Newman said reducing water consumption in City facilities and recreational spaces was important for future sustainability and the City was proud to be recognised for its commitment.
“Saving water and using our precious resource more wisely is a big priority for the City, and it’s through ongoing efforts we’ve been recognised with the Gold Waterwise Council status,” he said.
“We are proud of this outstanding achievement. It demonstrates the City’s ongoing innovation and leadership in being waterwise.
“We’ve been recognised as a Waterwise Council since 2009, and this highlights our commitment to reducing water use in our community and maintaining it in years to come.”
Mr Newman also congratulated the City officers who had worked hard to ensure that the City was recognised as a Waterwise Council, saying it was a fantastic result.
The City has committed to a Corporate and Community target of reducing water use by seven percent by 2020/2021 (based on 2012 water use figures).
Last year, the City received the inaugural Platinum Waterwise Council of the Year, the highest recognition in the program.
City of Mandurah's waterwise approach includes several projects such as the City’s move towards waste water reuse to irrigate public open space, the expansion of Managed Aquifer Recharge Scheme and geothermal pool heating works at the Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre.
The Foreshore Revegetation Project and ongoing City facility water audits are also waterwise initiatives.
The Waterwise Verge Makeover program for residents will also see more than 50 local verges converted into low water using native gardens this financial year.