Mandurah, Perth fuel prices reach record high

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Fuel prices in Mandurah and Perth reached a record high on Wednesday.

The average price for unleaded fuel has increased by 26 cents per litre to 178.1c/litre.

Some Coles Express sites have hiked their prices to 190.9c/litre.

The cheapest fuel in the Peel region is at Liberty Pinjarra for 149.5c/litre and United Pinjarra for 153.9c/litre.

In the Rockingham area, Vibe Kwinana OPT is selling fuel for 148.7c/litre.

FuelWatch is forecasting petrol prices to stay at record highs for the next two weeks.

It comes after FuelWatch announced unleaded petrol will now be cheapest every second Tuesday, instead of every Tuesday as fuel companies transition to a fortnightly cycle. 

To find the cheapest fuel price near you visit FuelWatch

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