Long term vision for Waroona endorsed by Council

PIC: File.

Following a long process of five community workshops, district wide survey, coffee conversations with 18 groups, the Waroona 2030 – Strategic Community Plan was endorsed this week.

The plan illustrates a vision that the Shire of Waroona will create a sense of place and identity, embracing creativity, the natural environment and a strong and diverse economy.

Underpinning this vision are aspirations to have a connected and involved community, a diverse economy, care for the environment, effectively manage our assets and embed strong leadership through good and transparent governance.

In order to deliver these aspirations, a more focused four-year Corporate Business Plan, Towards Waroona 2030 Corporate Business Plan 2020-2024 details the projects and initiatives that are aimed to be delivered between now and June 2024.

Shire President Cr Mike Walmsley said that the process was the most extensive and thorough in his memory and is confident that the strategies maps out a clear direction for the future.

“We have worked closely with our community to come up with a collective and shared vision and what we need to do to achieve the potential we have”, Cr Walmsley said.

“It is ambitious and it will need support from Federal and State governments and also input from the community for us to reach these goals, but working collectively, our aspirations can be achieved.

Some of the major initiatives into the future includes:

  • Redeveloping and activating the main street of Waroona;
  • Creating agricultural workers accommodation to help stimulate the local economy and agricultural businesses;
  • Focus on increasing tourism across the Shire;
  • Develop an accessible boardwalk and beach access at Preston Beach;
  • Providing a play and recreation space at Lake Clifton;
  • Further develop the Drakesbrook Weir;
  • Work towards increasing water supply to the Shire.

Cr Walmsley said that the projects above are only some of the initiatives identified and acknowledges that some of them will need assistance from other ties of government.

“The Shire will actively lobby for better services and quality of life for our current and future residents”.

The documents can be viewed and downloaded at the following links:

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