Here's a list of local ANZAC Day Services compiled from the RSLWA website.
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0600 | Dawn service held at the Boddington Memorial Park, Bannister Rd.
0630 | March to RSL Hall, Hotham Road, Boddington.
On Completion | Gunfire breakfast.
Street parking is available.
Contact | Kevin Standen | 0428 848 802 | kevstanden@gmail.com
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0430 | Tea, Coffee and ANZAC Biscuits, Bunbury RSL Sub-Branch, 19 Spencer Street, Bunbury.
0545 | Assemble, RSL Sub-Branch.
0550 | March to Memorial, War Memorial, ANZAC Park, Stirling Street.
0600 | Wreath laying and Service, War Memorial, ANZAC Park, Stirling Street.
0630 | March back to RSL Hall for refreshments and sausage sizzle.
Parking at the rear of the Bunbury RSL Sub-Branch and Coles Bunbury Centrepoint.
0830 | Wreath laying and Service, Rathmines War Memorial, Austral Parade, Bunbury.
1030 | March fall in, Bunbury RSL Sub-Branch, 19 Spencer Street, Bunbury.
1045 | March to Graham Bricknell Music Shell, Blair Street, Bunbury.
1100 | Wreath laying and Service.
1200 | March back to RSL Hall.
1230 | Light snacks and a social afternoon. Admission charge at the door, Bunbury RSL Sub-Branch, 19 Spencer Street, Bunbury.
Parking at the rear of the Bunbury RSL Sub-Branch and Coles Bunbury Centrepoint.
Contact | John Gelmi | (08) 9721 3277 | 0478 120 848 | president@bunrsl.org.au
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0530 | Dawn Service. City of Cockburn War Memorial, corner of Rockingham Road and Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill. Members and guests are invited to the “Gunfire” Breakfast at the Sub-branch after the Service.
0950 | ANZAC Parade assembles in the RSL car park, 73 Frederick Road, Hamilton Hill.
1030 | ANZAC Day Commemoration Service commences at the City of Cockburn War Memorial.
Road closures around the Memorial will be in place from 0500 – 0700 and again between 0950 to 1130.
There is parking available at various points near the War Memorial and the Memorial Hall, ensure that you are parked prior to the road closures. There is parking available in the park area at the corner of Hamilton Road and Rockingham Road. After the Services parking is available at the Sub-Branch.
Contact | Arthur Stanton | 0429 955 573 | nolart@stanton.net.au
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0600 | Dawn Service, Dawesville War Memorial, Estuary Drive.
0700 | Gunfire Breakfast, Port Bouvard Recreation and Sporting Club, 1 Thisbe Drive.
Dawn Service parking at Dawesville boat ramp and along Estuary Road. Wheelchair accessible Memorial and toilets. Gunfire Breakfast parking at Port Bouvard Recreation & Sporting Club, also Estuary Road car park, adjacent PBR & SC.
Contact | Fred Abbott | 0447 720 076 | dawesville.rsl@bigpond.com
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0530 | Gather for Dawn Service at Kwinana War Memorial Park, Pace Road, Medina.
0600 | Dawn Service begins.
0630 | Gunfire Breakfast at Medina Hall.
1030 | March from Hoyle Road, Medina.
1100 | ANZAC Day Service, War Memorial, Pace Road, Medina.
On Completion | A light lunch will be available at the Kwinana Sub-Branch hall at 27 Pace Rd, Medina.
Parking available at Medina shop precinct and Senior Citizens car park Harlow Road. Disabled parking at rear of the monument on Pace Road.
Contact | Jason Hiscock | 0407 932 390 | kwinanarsl@bigpond.com
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0555 | Call to Order
0600 | Dawn Service, Mandurah War Memorial, 11 Leighton Place, Halls Head.
06450 | Gunfire Breakfast at the Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Centre on the corner of Allnutt and Dower St.
0930 | Parade forms up at the corner of Pinjarra Road and Leslie Street
1030 | Parade steps off.
1100 | Main Service, Mandurah War Memorial, 11 Leighton Place, Halls Head.
On Completion | On completion of the Service, Veterans, and members of the public are invited back to the Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Centre on the corner of Allnutt and Dower St for Fellowship and Two-Up.
Parking is available on Hall Park, adjacent to the Mandurah War Memorial and off Leighton Street. Access parking is available for those with ACROD stickers.
Contact | Teresa Williams | (08) 9581 4781 | secmanrsl@westnet.com.au
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0600 | Dawn Service, Pinjarra War Memorial, Pinjarra Road.
0630 – 0800 | Gunfire Breakfast at Pinjarra RSL Sub-Branch, 1889 Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra. $5.00 per person.
1030 | Assemble at the Edenvale Car Park in Murray Street.
1040 | Form up under the supervision of the Parade Commander and Marshalls.
1050 | March step off. The route will be from the Edenvale Car Park, left into Murray Street, proceed along Murray Street with the salute being taken at the Fire Brigade. Proceed to Pinjarra Rd and halt at the War Memorial.
1100 | ANZAC Day Service, Pinjarra War Memorial, Pinjarra Road.
On Completion | Sausage Sizzle, raffles and Two Up. Entertainment by the Perth Highland Pipe Band.
Parking available at Pinjarra RSL Sub-Branch.
Contact | Sue O’Donnell | 0478 636 732| pinjarrarsl@westnet.com.au
Port Kennedy
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0600 | Dawn Service, Village Green, Patterson Road, Rockingham.
0630 | Gunfire Breakfast, Port Kennedy RSL Sub-Branch, 27 Paxton Way, Port Kennedy.
1030 | March, Wanliss Street, Rockingham.
1200 | Refreshment and fellowship at the Port Kennedy RSL, Two-Up, Food, Live Music.
Contact | Steven Elliott | 0447 447 493 | admin@rslpk.com.au
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0545 | Dawn Service at Cenotaph, Flinders Lane.
1000 | March/Form up in front of Churchill Park, Rockingham Beach Road.
1030 | March step off.
1100 | Main service at Cenotaph, Village Green.
Parking access to Flinders Lane, Rockingham Beach Road, Kent Street and Rail Terrace will close from 9.00am until 12.00pm, therefore, limited parking available on the foreshore. Catch 555 Bus from Railway Station or Shopping Centre to Foreshore area.
Contact | Ian Brook | 0437 109 632 | rslrock@westnet.com.au
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
00600 | Dawn Service, ANZAC Memorial Park, Cnr Doley Road and ANZAC Crescent.
0700 | Gunfire Breakfast, Byford Country Club.
1200 | Two Up, Byford & Districts Country Club.
Parking is opposite Memorial Park. Road closures in place, and it is wheelchair friendly.
Contact | Shana McKay | (08) 9526 2846 | sjrsl@westnet.com.au
Waroona – Hamel
ANZAC Day – April 25 2019
0600 | Dawn Service, Waroona War Memorial, South Western Highway & Parnell Street, Waroona.
0630 | Gunfire Breakfast.
1045 | March from Memorial Hall, Waroona to Waroona War Memorial. Change of route this year, the March will be from rear of Memorial Hall to south gate of Waroona Oval then Parnell Street to the War Memorial.
1100 | Service, Waroona War Memorial.
1200 | Fellowship at Waroona Bowling Club.
Parking available at Northern end of Waroona Oval – No access via Southern Gate.
Contact | Tracey Fickling | 0408 967 577 | waroonahamelrsl@gmail.com
The complete list is here: https://www.rslwa.org.au/commemoration/anzac-day/event/services/