Have you voted in the Mandurah Local Government Election?

PIC: Bigstock

Mandurah residents are being reminded that there is still time to make their vote count ahead of the Local Government Elections on October 21.

The deadline to vote at the 2017 Local Government Elections is just one week away.

Mandurah residents can return their vote by:

Post: votes must be mailed by this Wednesday to ensure they are received

Hand deliver: drop it into the City’s Administration Building before 4.15pm on Friday

Election Day - Saturday, October 21: voters can drop off their completed voting package at the Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre on Ormsby Terrace by 6pm

If you are still waiting to receive your voting package or if you have misplaced it, please contact the City of Mandurah to have your package reissued.

Packages can also be reissued on Election Day at the Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre and voting closes at 6pm.

Find out more at Mandurah.wa.gov.au/election or call on 9550 3777.

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