Funding secured for Peel events

PIC: Twitter / Shire of Murray

Four community events in the Peel region will continue into 2018 thanks to a funding boost in last week's state budget.

The 2018 Peel events calendar will be full with events after the announcement the Peel region will receive funding under the State Government’s 2018/19 Regional Events Scheme.

The Act-Belong-Commit Dwellingup 100, West Australian Pro Surf Series, King of the Cut and Pinjarra Festival were all successful applicants under the scheme which aims to develop and support smaller regional events across Western Australia.

Mandurah and Peel Tourism Organisation CEO, Karen Priest said it was great to see local events returning in 2018. 

“It’s fantastic to see event development in our region and I applaud the State Government and Tourism WA on the RES initiative,” she said. 

“Events play an important role in boosting tourism because they give people a time-specific reason to visit and help make the Peel Region a more attractive and vibrant destination.”

The successful funding bids follow the recent news that Drakesbrook Fine Wines in Waroona will hold a Grapest 5k Run event later this year and add to an already vibrant events calendar for the region.

“We saw the successful Stretch Arts Festival on the weekend [May 5-6] and there is plenty of buzz about Wearable Arts Mandurah coming up in June,” Ms Priest said.

“Our region’s events list is as diverse as it is long and includes everything from the iconic Mandurah Crab Fest to the Dwellingup Pumpkin Festival, Fairbridge Music Festival, Peel Pro Am Golf Tournament and the 2018 Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games.”

You can see a full list of upcoming events here


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