From paddocks to plates: Shire plans for a healthier Serpentine Jarrahdale

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale President Cr Michelle Rich and Edith Cowan University Project Lead and Public Health Dietitian Ana Gowrea showcase some of SJ’s fresh local produce. PIC: Supplied

Protecting and promoting a healthy food environment is the vision of the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale’s Local Food Action Plan.

The three-year plan aims to create natural, built, economic and social food environments that support making healthy food choices and enhance the pathway to a healthier SJ.

The Local Food Action Plan consists of several objectives including building a resilient food system, ensuring easy access of nutritious and sustainable food and celebrating a vibrant food culture.

Through the plan the Shire aims to shine the light on local producers to help raise their profile, while also engaging with and supporting agricultural businesses.

The plan also outlines the importance of providing local schools with resources to deliver healthy food programs.

“Creating a sustainable local food environment that makes a positive impact on the health of residents is a key focus for the Shire,” Shire President Cr Michelle Rich said.

“The Local Food Action Plan is a significant part of that focus and will help us connect with our residents through healthier food.

“This is an exciting step forward on our path to growing a healthier community, together.”

The Serpentine Jarrahdale Council is the first WA Council to endorse a comprehensive Local Food Action Plan and was developed in partnership with Edith Cowan University, Healthway, WA Local Government Association (WALGA), East Metropolitan Health Service and SJ Food and Farm Alliance.

To view the Local Food Action Plan visit:

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