Free anti-theft licence plate screws, moped alarms available to Mandurah residents

The City of Mandurah, WA Police and Bunnings have again joined forces to help local residents protect their motorised scooters and number plates from theft.

Free alarms for mopeds and scooters will be available from Bunnings Mandurah between 10am-12pm on Saturday.

Car owners can also head down to pick up some anti-theft screws which properly secure number plates so they cannot be stolen.

According to WA Police figures, 784 scooters and mopeds were stolen in Western Australia during the 2015/16 financial year. 

Since the City and WA Police started the program in 2013, close to 350 scooters have been fitted with alarms.

The program was last offered in December last year.

Scooters are often seen as an easy target for theft as they are light weight and have a lack of anchor points for locking and securing.

The City of Mandurah received a grant from WA Police to purchase the scooter alarms, and have a limited number left to distribute to Mandurah scooter owners.

The Mandurah Scooter Alarm project is part of the City’s ongoing commitment to crime prevention and safety in the community.

At the fitting, applicants will need to provide a copy of their registration papers and their driver’s licence.

Those unable to make it on the day can contact the Community Safety team on 9550 3777 or

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