Experts say it's time Australia starts embracing psychedelic science to help combat the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Recent research from the United States found MDMA, or ecstasy, could effectively cure Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and now there are calls for Australia to step into the world of psychedelic science.
According to Beyond Blue Post-traumatic stress disorder is a particular set of reactions that can develop in people who have been through a traumatic event which threatened their life or safety, or that of others around them.
Edith Cowan University addiction studies expert Dr Stephen Bright co-founded Psychedelic Research In Science and Medicine and he now wants more people to get on board with MDMA therapy.
Dr Bright said that after a 40-year embargo on psychedelic science, research overseas has skyrocketed, but Australia is at risk of being left behind.
“Significantly, studies in the US, Canada, Switzerland and Israel have shown that MDMA can effectively cure PTSD among people who have not responded to conventional treatments,” he said.
“This research is of particular importance to the war veteran community who experience high rates of PTSD. Studies in the USA have shown that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy can effectively cure two thirds of PTSD among people who haven’t respond to existing treatments.
“Given that more Australian soldiers die from suicide than in combat, I think there is no excuse to delay researching these treatments locally.”
Dr Bright will hold a public seminar later this week to discuss the barriers Australian researchers face establishing trial.