Concerned locals to rally at Environment Minister's office over construction plans at Penguin Island

PIC: Save Rockingham's Little Penguins

Several concerned locals are expected to attend a rally at Environment Minister Reece Whitby's office in Baldivis this week over construction plans on Penguin Island.

The State Government are planning to build a roof over a large deck and an information hub for volunteers during the little penguin breeding season between mid-August and the end of September. 

It comes just weeks after a report revealed the penguin population had plummeted by over 90 per cent since 2007.

The population census conducted by UWA scientist Belinda Cannell in November 2023 showed there was only 114 little penguins on the island, down from around 300 in 2019 and 2000 in 2007.

Leader of the Save Rockingham’s Little Penguins campaign group Dawn Jecks said the State Government are prioritising tourism over the conservation of little penguins.

“They want this new building work complete before the island reopens to tourists in October. But the island is closed currently to help the decimated population, and this should mean to noisy and disruptive building work as well," she said.

“The Cook government are acting like they are content to let this population go while gas lighting us all by telling us their conservation is a priority. That’s unforgiveable and the Rockingham community will keep showing up for little penguins because we have not given up.

“The experts say the little penguins are in trouble, but they are resilient and it is not too late for them. We will be gathering at the environment minister’s office to tell him to listen to the independent scientists instead of tourism managers.

“We’re not saying ‘don’t do it’. We’re simply asking this government to follow the advice of the experts and wait."

A DBCA spokeswoman said the works will not disturb the penguins.

“The remaining works are restricted to the existing deck and boardwalks and will not involve any disturbance of penguin habitat. As much as possible, pre-fabrication works will be undertaken off-island,” she said.

“DBCA staff will be present on Penguin Island to monitor remaining construction works, including undertaking daily checks to ensure no penguins are present within the work area. Strict conditions will be in place to ensure potential impact to penguins, or their habitat is minimised.”

The rally will take place on Tuesday, July 23 from 10am outside Reece Whitby's Baldivis electorate office.



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