Close ties with defence to be celebrated at Freedom of Entry event

City of Rockingham and Garden Island. PIC: City of Rockingham

The City of Rockingham will play host to a prestigious and rare civic event involving the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) later this year, after Council approved to host a Freedom of Entry for HMAS Stirling.

Granting of Freedom of Entry is the highest accolade that can be bestowed on a military unit with ties to an area governed by an authority.

HMAS Stirling is the largest naval base in Australia, and is located across Cockburn Sound on Garden Island.  The City has held close ties with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the RAN since HMAS Stirling was commissioned in 1978.

The base hosts a workforce of more than 3600 staff which includes active duty members, defence civilians and long term contractors.

Many HMAS Stirling staff are local residents, and the base contributes significantly to the local economy.

Mayor Deb Hamblin said Freedom of Entry would honour HMAS Stirling personnel and strengthen the relationship the City holds with the RAN and ADF.   

“Granting HMAS Stirling Freedom of Entry to the City will be a powerful gesture that acknowledges the vital role our Defence personnel play in serving our country,” Mayor Hamblin said.

“Hosting Freedom of Entry this year will mark 35 years since Rockingham became a City, 45 years since the commissioning of HMAS Stirling and 112 years since Garden Island was selected as a naval base.

“As both the City and HMAS Stirling have grown over the years, so too has our relationship. Not only is the base vital to the country in terms of Defence, it’s also a key economic driver in our region.

“With the Australian Government set to spend billions on the base in the next decade, the importance of our relationship will only grow further.

“In the coming months the City will work closely with HMAS Stirling to formalise a date for this significant event, and we look forward to advising the community once it has been finalised.”

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