City of Rockingham to host blessing of roads ceremony

City of Rockingham RoadWise Committee - Blessing of the Roads 2018. PIC: Roadwise

As Easter approaches and the level of traffic on roads across Western Australia begins to increase, the City of Rockingham will take part in a blessing of the roads ceremony at South Coast Baptist College in Waikiki.

The ceremony, on Thursday April 11, is a symbolic gesture to motorists and passengers that everyone on the roads over the Easter long weekend has a shared responsibility to stay safe.

Local police, fire and ambulance services will be attending the ceremony, alongside members of the City’s RoadWise Advisory Committee. 

City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels urged residents to be tolerant of other road users over the Easter long weekend. 

“The blessing of the roads ceremony focuses on raising awareness for all road users about the need to exercise care, courtesy and common sense when travelling on the road over Easter,” Mayor Sammels said. 

“The ceremony is also an opportunity to acknowledge the amazing work our emergency services personnel do when it comes to reducing trauma on our roads. 

“This Easter the City encourages all motorists to plan ahead so they have ample time to arrive safely at their destination. Please remember to wear a seatbelt, slow down, don’t drink and drive, and turn off your mobile so you avoid any unwelcome distractions.” 

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