Body of Mandurah Estuary dolphin calf to be used for research

PIC: Andrew O'Connor ABC News

The body of a dolphin calf that had to be euthanased over the weekend will now be used for research at Murdoch University.

The body of a dolphin calf that had to be euthanased over the weekend will now be used for research at Murdoch University.

The eight-week-old dolphin was found stranded in shallow water in the Mandurah Estuary on Saturday morning.

Volunteers spent the day moving the calf to deeper water and placing it in a sea-pen for protection in the hope its mother would hear its call.

But the Department of Parks and Wildlife made the decision to put down the dolphin on Sunday morning after it became increasingly distressed, having not eaten in at least 24 hours and no sign of its mother.

A DPAW spokesperson said if the calf had been released it would never have survived without its mother.

PIC: Andrew O’Connor ABC News

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