Up to 60 local emergency services personnel converged on the City of Rockingham’s Aqua Jetty facility for an emergency test exercise.
The test scenario was based on a plausible risk for a swim centre and involved a number of Aqua Jetty and other City Officers as well as some members of the public.
The complicated scenario involved a confined space and vertical rescue of up to six fictitious casualties and was designed to test the techniques and responsiveness of local first responders including DFES career and volunteers Fire and Rescue crews, the City’s Smartwatch service and St John Ambulance.
City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels praised last Thursday's collaborative response.
“A true event such as this one, would put all of our local personnel under immense pressure and require specialist skills, knowledge and equipment.
“This was an important exercise in testing how multi-agency events are managed and how we work together.
“I would like to acknowledge the emergency services personnel who participated and collaborated really well to share skills and work together on the mock incident.
“I also would like to thank the Aqua Jetty staff for remaining calm and professional and helping to minimise impacts on customers throughout the scenario.”