Fisheries officers are investigating a fish kill event at Belvidere Beach north of Bunbury where hundreds of dead blue swimmer crabs have washed up.
Following a report to FishWatch made by a member of the public of dead blue swimmer crabs along Belvidere Beach on August 24, Fisheries and Marine Officers immediately visited the location to assess the situation and collect samples.
Based on observations and preliminary analysis of the crabs, Fisheries scientists believe the event occurred a few days ago and may be an isolated event.
Initial estimates indicate about 500 dead blue swimmer crabs have washed ashore on Belvidere Beach.
The samples have been sent to the department’s Fish Health unit for analysis.
Results may take up to seven days depending on the tests being undertaken.
No other dead aquatic animals have been reported or sighted.
Fisheries will continue to monitor the area over the weekend and respond to enquiries.
This fish kill is a separate event and does not appear to be related to the bacterial shell disease found in crabs from Bunbury Harbour in December 2016.
As with all fish kills, the department recommends as a precaution people do not collect, handle, or move any dead crabs.
Fisheries reminds anyone not to swim or fish in water that looks discoloured, murky, or smells unpleasant, or where there are large numbers of dead crabs or another species.
Any fish kills should be immediately reported to our FishWatch 24 hour hotline on 1800 815 507. For further information visit the Fisheries website at www.fish.wa.gov.au.