Remember Multi-Level Marketing Sales Letters?

I think that it is because of claims like this one that we have a LOT of people who don't trust advertising and marketing:

"You have definitely won one of the following five prizes... 1. a BMW, 2. A Sports boat, 3. A $10,000 savings bond, 4. His and hers motorcycles, 5. a Rolex Watch! Please call this number now and let us know when you can pick up the prized, please bring along proof of identification."

Now this was taken from what I remember of the classic Multi-Level Marketing letter (I may be wrong - but I am not far off the mark).

Any advertising these days MUST provide proof to convince people to even show some interest, let alone make them act.

So worn out clichés and loud attention getting sound effects aren't going to cut it any more. They may work for some people, but only a small percentage.

Instead we need (as both a creator of advertising and you as a business owner) to offer and be able to demonstrate to them, that what we are talking about will solve a problem and be better than any other solution.

How we do that is where the magic happens. It is no longer enough to use a low sexy voice or yell louder than the next ad - you need to tell a story and tell it so that the casual listener is persuaded to both listen and believe what you are telling them.

So your next radio script or any other form of advertising should do 2 things:
1. Demonstrate your product or service
2. Make an offer or offer proof that what you say you will do - you will actually do.

Have you noticed, by the way, that you haven't received any of those multi-level marketing letters for a long, long time?

That's because they stopped mailing them when they stopped working!

Fuel Watch
  • 166.5: X Convenience Erskine
  • 171.4: NightOwl BP Mandurah
  • 171.9: BP Halls Head
  • 171.9: BP 2go Silver Sands
  • 171.9: BP Singleton