More Ideas On Customer Appreciation

From Customer Appreciation Days to Vouchers, Giveaways, Discount or Stamp Cards, whatever ideas you can imagine…you can create it now. 

Here are just a small amount of proven ideas that work extremely well… all of which help to create a stampede of happy customers to your business:
•    Hamburger/hot-dog BBQ Breakfast, Lunch or After work.
•    Free food and drinks during certain times of day, or days of the year.
•    50-50 raffles - where there is a 50% chance of winning something with every ticket purchased or given away with a purchase.
•    A grand prize raffle – a bar fridge, a car, a massive Plasma TV,  either charge for the ticket, or give the right amount of tickets for purchases over $50, or $100, the more they spend, the more chances they get.
•    $100 gift certificate drawn randomly amongst customers.
•    Face-painting for children great on a BBQ day.
•    Free hay rides - not done very often these days due to insurance issues - but still very popular.
•    Door prizes - always a great thing to do at any time of the year.
•    Silent auctions - either hold your own and raise money for a group close to your heart, or alternativly, donate prizes - you will always get a mention at the auction.
•    Car shows, bike shows, fashion shows participate by getting a stall, or sponsoring a client of yours, and give them signs/shirts to wear and show with your logo on them.
•    Live music in store, acoustic guitars always are popular at most venues.
•    Radio- do an outside broadcast to draw listeners in who normally wouldn't come past your business - and show appreciation to your old customers, and prospective new ones with great deals and bargains.
•    Free product-tasting or testing. I love this myself - nothing sells better than actually touching and trying a product for yourself.
•    Sports player autographs, book a local sports star, or state sports star to appear - publicize it and it will draw people in from far and wide, but you have to publicize it - don't let word of mouth be the only thing you do, or you won't get a response.
•    Pop-a-balloon prizes - another one not done very often, but quite a different way of selecting prizes.
 These are just a few ideas, I am sure that you and your staff could come up with a whole heap more so you can draw people in to your store.

If you have some ideas - why not share them below.

Fuel Watch
  • 169.5: X Convenience Erskine
  • 173.9: BP Halls Head
  • 174.9: Ampol Foodary Erskine
  • 175.9: NightOwl BP Mandurah
  • 177.9: Ampol Foodary Greenfields