A Leprechaun and a Rainbow AND a Radio Station...

Many years ago my daughter and I saw a rainbow. We were able to almost walk right up to it. It was amazing. And it was magical...

But I wanted to know - where was the leprechaun? Where was his pot of gold?

My daughter (always the astute one) said that there were three possibilities...
1. There is no pot of gold at the end of any rainbow.
2. Someone else could have gotten there first and already taken it.
3. The leprechaun was already there and had already given me his pot of gold - and then she hugged me (AWWW)

I recently remembered this when recently I had paused when chatting to a long term client of ours.

We had worked with them over the past 14 years to build his business, from opening day to now. It had grown and grown.

Together we had worked day and night to make it work and reach his goals - but how did 'you' help I hear you ask?

Simple - I had created the advertising campaigns year in and year out, as a station we had cheered him and his team on at annual store opening birthday parties and anniversaries, we had been through lean times together, and good times, and no matter what - we were there for them.

We were the leprechaun, offering 24 hour attention to his business through advertising, and supporting him in some pretty hair brained promotions too where we used the magic of radio to do the almost impossible for him - so yes - we have a lot in common with a leprechaun and the end of the rainbow.

Do you have a leprechaun in your corner?

Fuel Watch
  • 166.5: X Convenience Erskine
  • 171.4: NightOwl BP Mandurah
  • 171.9: BP Halls Head
  • 171.9: BP 2go Silver Sands
  • 171.9: BP Singleton